Understanding the Use of Magnetic Level Gages and ASME Code Compliance on Power Boiler Applications
MLI's can be installed on boilers AS LONG AS the following Code rules are met:
- The maximum operating pressure is 900 PSIG (6 MPa). This eliminates the concern for deviations with level accuracy on frequent cycling applications at higher pressure service.
- The indication scale limitations are between 2 inches above the danger point, as determined by the boiler manufacturer and the low side of the outside diameter of the steam connection exiting the drum.
- The attachment of any external switches or transmitters to a Magnetic Level Gage for control functions is prohibited.
- The use of a Magnetic Level Gage does not replace the Code required gage glass.
- A Magnetic Level Gage may NOT be used to function as a water column. Other accessories such as a gage glass are prohibited from being attached.
- Magnetic Level Gages must be installed with isolation and drain valves.
- Refer to Subsections PG-12 and PG-60 in Section 1 of the Code for additional details.
For more information on this topic, download our brochure.